Spring Growth

Spring Growth

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th

Hey out there!

And there goes another week at the farm. August seems to fly by. The crops are all looking good. We're pulling in all of the summer cabbage and beets this week. Those beets are getting big! There are still nice and tender though. Something about our soil, the beets can get really big and stay nice. I'm not sure what it is.

This is the time that Bag Creep sometimes starts to catch up with us. Bag Creep happens when every week alittle bit more goes into the bag from the One Bag Side, and pretty soon the bag has grown a big ole mushroom of veggies out of the top of it. We're setting up an example of a nicely filled bag in the shed this week so that you can check your bag from the One Bag Side against it. Check it out!

cabbage, beets, spinach, lettuce, carrots, garlic (for real this week), onions, celery, hot peppers, chard, kale, endive or escarole

beans - green, yellow and Roma. These Romas are delicious and big. Try them - they are tender even when big and fat. cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, dill - lots of it by the beans, edemame - pick the whole plant if you want, pick 20 plants if you want!, flowers - everywhere and awesome if I do say so myself, chard, kale

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