Spring Growth

Spring Growth

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sixth Winter Distribution

Sixth Winter Distribution 

Hello All,

   We have turned the corner this winter.  The end of January begins the march to spring!  Our seed are ordered (mostly) which means we've selected crops and varieties and made changes to reflect what our members actually take.  Our 'one bag' system gives us great data on what our members are actually taking.  Thanks for the feedback!
  We are trialing a few new varieties and making a few changes for 2013, as we do every year.  One exciting addition is a late crop of tomatoes in the greenhouse, which will yield beautiful tomatoes in the fall.  Yum. We will start selling shares for 2013 in a few weeks.  Shares will be available exclusively for returning members for a limited time. Exciting!
   At the present we still reside in January and we have some delicious produce for you 
again this week.  Distribution is tomorrow Wednesday the 30th of January from 2-6 pm 
in the distribution shed.  This is the sixth distribution.  The winter share price is $300 for
six weeks. If you haven't come for six we still have the following pick up dates:

Remaining dates after tomorrow: February 20th, and March 6th.

We will be selling shares by week on February 20th and March 6th. If you want to come buy an 
extra pickup the price is $50.

Featured Veggie
  Komatsuna is also called a mustard spinach.  It is very sweet and more nutritious than spinach. 
It's load with Vitamin C.  I urge everyone to try some because it is so delicious and out preforms
every other green in the middle of winter.  It truly is a miracle.  
  To prepare Komatsuna you simply fry garlic, onions, and oil in a pan.  Add washed and chopped 
Komatsuna.  Add sake or water and cover to lightly steam.  Then add a drop or two of sesame oil.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
  Adding tofu, mushrooms, carrots, or other additions to the dish prior to adding the Komatsuna help
to keep it from cooking down to fast.  It cooks extremely fast and should be served quickly.

For more recipes check out our updates page of our website at sweetlandfarm.org.  We took pictures
of our recipe boards and posted them on our blog.

This week's vegetables:
napa cabbage
komatsuna (braising green)- 
watermelon radishes

Thanks and see you soon,

Sweet Land Farm

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